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Most Frequent Questions 


What should I experience during my first massage therapy visit? 


Relaxation is the number one feeling a person will experience during their massage therapy visit.  Arrive at least 10 minutes early if it is the first massage at the clinic. This will allow you to fill out any paper work.  Before you come into the building leave all stressful thoughts and feelings outside and let go.   You are in a sacred space.  We are here to hold a safe space for you.  This means that we are here to listen, respect and allow you to fully unwind. This is the only way we can assure you will receive the best session possible. 


Do I have to be completely undressed​?


No, it is up to the client to undress to their comfort level.  If for any reason a client does not feel comfortable being undressed in any way, we recommend Thai massage.  This is a modality of massage that is performed with the client fully dressed. The client will be  in comfortable attire; for example, loose sports pants or yoga pants and loose shirt. 


Do I have to cover myself with a sheet or towel?


In the state of North Carolina it is unlawful to do massage with out drapes.  Drapes are sheets that keep the client fully covered at all times.  We use draping techniques that allows the therapist to only uncover the part that is being massaged at that time.


What do I do during a massage treatment?​


Relax and breath is all we ask for you to do during your session.  Other than that just come to let go.  Allow your self to be lazy and sink into the table as all worries and stress just melt away. 


How long will a massage treatment last?


A massage treatment can last as long as you like but there is a limit on how long.  We serve 60 minute, 90 minute and 2 hour long sessions.  The 60 minute session is normally for those who are having to get back to the world as soon as possible. The 90 minute is for the brave ones who like that little extra. The 2 hours is for those who plan to melt so much that it takes another hour just to put themselves back together (LOL).  It doesn't matter which time frame you decide on.  Any time is fine.  But be warned that if you choose to do 90 minutes or 2 hours going back to 60 minutes will feel like 10 minutes. 


Will the massage hurt? 


It all depends on the type of massage that is given and the technique of the therapist.  The therapist will work with what the client is feeling and what the client is experiencing.  There are ways to massage without pain, although there are some modalities that cause discomfort and pain.  Discomfort or pain  indicates that there are  adhesions of tissue fibers and muscles that are bundled up together and are creating a lack of oxygen.  Full communication from the client to therapist can help modify the session to where the client feels less pain and more comfort along with relaxation.


How often should I get a massage?​​​​


This depends on the level of activity of the person.  For people that are in limited positions for long periods of time may benefit from massage often.  For people that are always on the go will benefit from massages more regularly to give them the relief they need from all their activities. 


How will I feel after my massage treatment?


This depends on the type of massage that was given.  Some styles of massages leave people completely relax from head to toe.  Other types of massages can leave a person with some soreness, for example deep tissue or sports massage may leave a person with a level of soreness after.  This is do to the work that has been done as some tissues will need to be stripped to get the tension to release.  


When should I not get a massage?


When sick, have a fever, have hives or any type of contagious skin condition or have systematic inflammation or if acute the area of inflammation should be avoided.  If not feeling well is best to reschedule your massage until feeling much better.


Can I drink alcohol before a massage?


No! Do not get a massage after drinking alcohol it can make it worse really fast.  A massage promotes blood flow and this will increase the level of alcohol that circulates in the blood stream.  This can be dangerous and if we smell or see that a client has been drinking we hold the right to cancel the massage. 


Can I get a massage while pregnant?


Yes, there is a specific massage for the ladies that are pregnant and it is very helpful to get massages during pregnancy.  It can help with sleep, body pains, fluid retention, inflammation and the development of the baby.​


Can massage help me lose weight?


No, but it will make you feel better after workouts and continue motivating you on working out more. 


 â€‹Can massages help headaches and migraines?


Yes it can! most of the headaches are because of neck tension caused by body posture, sleeping habits and stress.  Massage can help release the tension as it increases blood flow into the brain.  Nutrition and oxygen are important to keep proper balance of hormones and neurotransmitters being produced.  This can help with all types of chronic migraines that are caused by chemical imbalance and body alignment. 

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